Annette Assmy
Praxis für Körper & Seele, Schliemanstr. 41
10405 Berlin
Shamanic energy work & divination
Chakra Harmonization & Vitalization
Rites & Ceremonies
Initiations from the Inca tradition
Archetype Work & Coaching
Dates and requests:
0176 61315306
2003-2004 stay in Mexico, where I learned from different shamans, among others from the Huichol Indians and Victor Sanchez (apprenticeship after Carlos Castañedas)
2006 Seminar with Dr. Picard in CORE-Shamanism according to Michael Harner
2011 Training in non-violent communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg
2012 – 2014 Light Body School Energy Medicine certified by the Four Winds Society (Dr. Alberto Villoldo)
2013 – 2015 Master Courses of the Four Winds Society (Dr. Alberto Villoldo); among others “Walking with Protection”, “Working with the Sacred”, “Advanced Divination” and “Mastery of Time
2014 – 2017 in direct formation with the Paqos (Andean priests) from Peru (Serena Anchanchu), Holland; initiated as Pampa Mesayok – Earth Keeper
2016 Self-Compassion, 6-day workshop with Christine Longaker on self-compassion, self-forgiveness and Buddhist meditation
2016 8 – week course Mindful Selfcompassion according to Christine Neff
2017 Basic DNA Seminar – ThetaHealing® Technique
Advanced DNA Seminar – ThetaHealing® Technique
Dig Deep Seminar – ThetaHealing® Technique
Soul Mate – ThetaHealing® Technique
2019 Dream Teacher Training based on the Teachings of Robert Moss (3 year Training)
2019 Nature coach/therapist
2020 Cacao Guardian Training with Cacao Mama, Berlin
2021 Cacao Facilitator Training with Izaias Mendoza & Izabella Perez; Mayan Calendar